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Water Smart Plumber program

Do you have a leak in or around your home? Hire a qualified plumber in Southern Nevada who can assist with issues associated with leaks.

To qualify for the Water Smart Plumber program, contractors must:

  • Complete at least six hours of Southern Nevada Water Authority water-efficiency training and two hours of annual refresher training
  • Maintain good standing with the Nevada State Contractors Board and have not received disciplinary actions for the previous five years
  • Be licensed and insured in Nevada for the past five years
  • Perform all work to a contract in compliance with applicable laws, codes and permit requirements in effect at the time of service
  • Provide a one-year warranty on work performed
  • Communicate with customers within 24 hours of an inquiry
  • Provide a written bid for work based on an hourly rate, not a flat project rate
  • Not upsell a customer beyond service requested from the initial inquiry

Find leaks before they cause damage

Finding leaks in your home is easier than ever with home leak sensors that send information directly to your smartphone. We even offer a rebate!

Learn How to Find & Fix Leaks

Get a Home Leak Sensor Rebate

If you have hired one of the Water Smart Plumbers listed here and would like to provide feedback about their services, please contact us.

*Leak Detection Assistance Program participant

Become a Water Smart Plumber🔧

Companies participating in the Water Smart Plumber program must ensure their staff members are trained through free, SNWA-sponsored workshops. 

Submit an Interest Form