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Gambel's Oak
Quercus gambelii

Climate Resiliency 4 out of 5 stars

Use this oak as a shrub or small tree. It has an attractive leaf and will provide fall color: Gambel oak flourishes in full sun on hillsides with thin, rocky, alkaline soil where competition from other plant species is limited. It also does well in richer soils, but in those areas it is forced to compete for growing room. It is well-adapted to locations where wet springs and hot, dry summers create conditions conducive to wildfires. After a fire, Gambel oak quickly re-establishes itself from root spouts. The plant is also quite drought tolerant.

  • Plant type: Perennial
  • Water requirement: Low
  • Sun exposure: Full
  • Height range: 10–30 Feet
  • Width range: Feet
  • Growth rate: Medium
  • Seasonal habit: Deciduous
  • Fruit color: Brown
  • Fruit season: Autumn
  • General foliage color: Green
  • Fall foliage color: Yellow, Orange
  • Soil preference: Sand, Clay, Loam, Rocky, Well Drained, Dry
  • Native location: Widespread in the foothills and lower mountain elevations of the central southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico
  • PH preference: Alkaline/Basic, Neutral

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