A water shortage on the Colorado River means it's more important than ever to conserve water.
The Water Efficient Technologies (WET) program offers financial incentives to commercial and multifamily property owners who install water-efficient devices and technologies.
Since 2001, participating businesses have saved more than 24 billion gallons of water through the program.
Request program information
If you're interested in learning more about water efficient technologies for your business, use the link below to request business program information.
How it works
You can choose from a menu of pre-approved water-saving technologies with predictable savings and a defined monetary incentive, including:
- High-efficiency toilet retrofits
- Efficient showerhead retrofits
- Waterless and high-efficiency urinal retrofits
- Converting a sports field from grass to an artificial surface
- Retrofitting standard cooling towers with qualifying, high-efficiency drift elimination technologies
Consumptive-use technologies earn a one-time payment of $45 per 1,000 gallons conserved annually or up to 50 percent of the product cost or project cost for selected technologies, whichever is less. Evaporative cooling conversions that reduce consumptive use but do not convert to 100 percent air-cooled technologies can earn a one-time payment of $70 per 1,000 gallons conserved annually or up to 50 percent of the project cost, whichever is less.
Nonconsumptive-use technologies earn a one-time payment of $15 per 1,000 gallons conserved annually or up to 50 percent of the product purchase price (excluding labor and installation), whichever is less.
If you're not finding what you need, we'll also work with you to implement custom technology that meets your business needs, then qualify for a performance-based monetary incentive.
The Water Authority reserves the right to qualify or exclude any proposed technology. See the program conditions for more information.
All the items listed below have been accepted by the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) as water-efficient products that qualify for the Water Efficient Technologies (WET) program. SNWA recognizes that the actual water savings may vary with each individual product, installation configuration and end user.
SNWA has determined that because some technologies produce sufficiently reliable savings estimates, individual performance testing may not be deemed necessary. For such technologies, the incentive (at SNWA's discretion) may be calculated using the established menu table below. The payment will equal the listed maximum incentive amount or 50 percent of the real product costs (excluding labor), whichever is less.
Incentive levels vary based on location of captured water savings (i.e., outdoor, indoor or reuse) as well as the estimated annual savings and minimum project size. SNWA reserves total and final authority in determining the potential water savings for each type of technology and the costs of the technologies that are eligible for rebate.
Do you have a food-serving establishment? Check out our commercial kitchen retrofits.
Please call 702-862-3740 or contact us via email if you have questions about incentives and how they are paid.
Project type | Minimum project size | Maximum incentive ($ per unit)* |
High Efficiency Toilets (HETs) with an average flush volume of no more than 1.28 gpf, tested to flush at least 350 grams, and must be WaterSense models. | 58 fixtures |
High Efficiency Urinals with an average flush volume of no more than 0.5 gpf, and must be WaterSense models. | 5 fixtures |
Waterless urinals | 3 fixtures |
Showerhead models incorporate an integrated, non-removal flow restrictor with a maximum flow rate no more than 2.0 gallons per minute at 80 PSI. Must be WaterSense models. | A sufficient combination of retrofit rooms and flow reduction to conserve 100,000 gallons annually |
Conversion of existing turf sporting surfaces to alternative sporting surfaces for sports fields and play surfaces. | 1,370 square feet minimum converted per facility |
Convert existing evaporative cooling HVAC systems (i.e. Cooling Towers or Swamp Coolers) to mechanical HVAC system. | 5 tons capacity conversion (may pool savings across multiple facilities) |
Convert evaporative cooling to hybrid cooling | 5 tons capacity conversion |
Retrofit standard cooling tower drift reducers to high efficiency drift elimination technologies (with drift of no more than 0.005 percent of tower flow rate). A cooling tower can only qualify once for this rebate. | 200 tons capacity retrofit (may pool across multiple facilities) |
Retrofit standard cooling tower control with a control system that includes a demonstrated history of water savings from past projects performed under SNWA's Water Efficient Technologies Program Performance Track | 14 tons capacity retrofit (may pool across multiple facilities) |
Retrofit water-cooled ice makers on single-pass or open loop systems to air-cooled Energy Star models.* | 223 pounds per day capacity retrofit |
Convert commercial washer-extractors to tunnel washer system(s) | 200,000 pounds per year processed through retrofit machines |
Convert conventional washing machines to Energy Star washing machines in the multifamily sector where individual washers serve multiple residences/apartments (ex: coin-op, basement laundry room, etc.) | 5 machines replaced |
Convert conventional commercial Laundromat washing machines to Energy Star commercial washing machines | 3 machines replaced |
*Additional configurations may qualify, please consult with an SNWA representative. |
Project type | Minimum project size | Maximum incentive ($ per unit)* |
High Efficiency steamers (steam cookers) and/or combination ovens such as Energy Star qualified models. | 3 total compartments/pans (may be across multiple machines) |
Retrofit water-cooled ice makers on single-pass or open loop systems to air-cooled Energy Star models.* | 223 pounds per day capacity retrofit |
Retrofit at least five-year old high capacity conveyor or flight-type dishwashers to modern high efficiency designs. | 1 machine |
For new, original installations, install an Energy Star qualified high-capacity conveyor or flight-type dishwasher. |
1 machine |
Retrofit kitchen cooling from evaporative water-cooled building heat exchange (i.e. cooling tower, evaporative cooler, swamp cooler, refrigeration rooms/freezers, etc.) to conventional non-water evaporative air conditioning systems | 5 tons capacity |
*Additional configurations may qualify, please consult with an SNWA representative. |
Cool- to warm-season turf conversion program
To encourage the use of more water-efficient grasses and groundcover at properties with "functional turfgrass," the Water Authority offers a rebate incentive through the existing Water Efficient Technologies Program for every square foot of cool-season grass that is replaced with warm-season grass. Qualifying areas include parks, schools, golf courses, cemeteries, and functional turf areas within community association-governed properties.
Pre-conversion eligibility
- Applicant's property must be a non-single-family-residential parcel within the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) service area.
- SNWA may require an interlocal agreement to execute the incentive based upon property type and ownership.
- SNWA, in its sole discretion, will determine project and incentive eligibility.
- Project areas must be designated as functional turf by definitions developed for Assembly Bill 356 and the Nonfunctional Turf Advisory Committee’s Recommendations Report adopted by SNWA.
- Projects must quantifiably reduce consumptive water use of irrigated landscaping.
- Projects that have been approved and received a rebate incentive prior to submitting this application are not eligible.
Technical requirements
- The project must use warm-season turfgrass species to replace cool-season turfgrass species. Warm-season species must be approved by SNWA and may include Bermuda grass, seashore paspalum, zoysiagrass, St. Augustine grass, centipede grass, buffalo grass, and groundcovers such as kurapia in seed or vegetative forms.
- Projects may be completed with seed, sod, or stolon; however, the incentive amount and requirements will not vary by application type; seeded projects may take up to three years to complete.
- Project areas may not be overseeded with cool-season grasses after the conversion to warm-season turfgrass.
- Multi-year projects must be completed in consecutive planting seasons (up to 3 years).
- Multi-year projects will be subject to a performance review of water savings for the property.
- If a project requires consumptive water-use reduction confirmation, SNWA, shall be solely responsible for calculating the water use.
Terms of incentive rebate
- The incentive shall be in the form of a cash rebate, the amount of which will be calculated by square footage converted from cool- to warm-season species, paid at a rate of $.50 per square foot for the first 100,000 square feet and $.25 per square foot thereafter, regardless of application technique.
- SNWA reserves the right to limit or reject applications subject to availability of funds.
- SNWA may require invoices of associated material costs to demonstrate project completion.
- SNWA will not pay for labor costs incurred during the project beyond the standard incentive.
- Through participation in this program, SNWA reserves the right to perform water saving evaluations from meter(s), servicing the property.
- The agreement expires in one to three calendar year(s) depending on the conversion type and method. The term for completing a project begins the day after the applicant's receipt of the letter of acceptance from SNWA and ends at 5 p.m. on the first business day after one calendar year has elapsed. The applicant must notify SNWA of completion prior to expiration of the agreement’s term.
- Projects that cannot be completed within one calendar year must receive SNWA's pre-approval.
The Water Efficient Technologies (WET) program provides financial incentives for capital expenditures when businesses retrofit existing equipment with more water-efficient technologies.
Custom technology requirements
- Achieve annual water savings of at least 100,000 gallons.
- Rebated projects must be maintained for at least 10 years, but reasonable exceptions are made for further improvements that don't compromise water efficiency.
- If your business has multiple properties, you may be able to reach that 100,000-gallon qualifying threshold faster: you can pool savings across multiple locations.
- You choose from the new savings "menu" of SNWA-approved, standard technologies.
Consumptive-Use Technologies
Consumptive-use technologies are those innovations that conserve water that is not returned to the sanitary sewer (most outdoor-use water). Reducing consumptive-use water extends Southern Nevada's water resources, so SNWA places a premium value on such conservation.
Nonconsumptive-Use Technologies
Nonconsumptive-use innovations (most indoor-use water) conserve water returned to the sanitary sewer, so it does not have a net resource impact to Southern Nevada. SNWA encourages conservation of nonconsumptive-use water to save the community power and infrastructure costs and because it is environmentally responsible.
Looking for funding options? Learn more about the Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) program, a low-cost, long-term financing option for water efficiency projects.

Earn up to 50% in cash incentives with no annual limit!
Do the right thing for your business and Lake Mead—replace your cooling tower or swamp coolers with a dry-cooled system and earn up to 50% back in cash incentives for the total cost of the project with no annual limit from the SNWA.
This one change could save millions of gallons of water per year, while helping shore up drought-plagued Lake Mead. Working together, we can protect your business and our community.
The time to act is now
Industrial evaporative cooling systems are a drain on our community water supply and a luxury Southern Nevada can no longer afford.
To get started on earning an incentive to replace your cooling tower or swamp coolers with a dry-cooled system, call 702-862-3740 or request program information online.
WET program conditions
Pre-conversion eligibility
- The applicant must be the property owner or the property owner's agent.
- The project must conserve water from a service account(s) in good standing with a member agency of the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA).
- SNWA must deem the project to be within the scope of an existing, on-going business or manufacturing process. It cannot be a change in the business type or product type.
Technical requirements
- Only capital improvements determined by SNWA to conserve at least one hundred thousand (100,000) gallons per year qualify.
- The project must be sustained for a minimum of 10 (ten) calendar years, or transfer of property title, whichever comes first. In the event the equipment requires replacement prior to the 10 year contract requirement, it must be replaced with equipment of equal or greater water efficiency.
- If a project qualifies for other SNWA incentive programs, SNWA may reject the application and instead require the applicant to enroll in another alternative program.
Calculation of water savings and rebates
- SNWA has total and final authority in determining the potential water savings for each type of technology and the costs of that technology that are eligible for rebate. If water efficiency of a replacement device is subject to a regulatory code or standard, only the water savings exceeding the code or standard will be considered in the rebate calculation. Water savings calculations will not include water use attributable to degradation, malfunction or other defects of existing equipment.
- Menu item applications: A menu of qualifying technologies and their incentive values is available from SNWA. The payment will equal the listed maximum incentive amount, or 50 percent of the total product cost or for selected menu items 50 percent of the total project cost, whichever is less.
- Performance applications: For items not listed on the menu, SNWA will review applications on a case-by-case basis. SNWA reserves the right to determine conservation savings following a six-month post-installation performance review. This program pays up to per $45 per 1,000 gallons of reduction in annual consumptive water use, $70 per 1000 gallons for evaporative cooling conversion that reduce consumptive use but do not convert to 100 percent air-cooled technologies, and $15 per 1,000 gallons annual reduction in uses where the conserved water is normally returned to the sanitary sewer. In any case, payment will not exceed 50 percent of the total product cost or project cost for consumptive savings and will not exceed 50 percent of the products cost for non-consumptive use water.
- HET/Builder Program: SNWA will determine the minimum number of required fixtures to be installed, based on the menu of qualifying technologies. The incentive payment will be a rate set by SNWA, not to exceed 50 percent of the total product cost.
Terms of incentive rebate
- Participation is conditional upon acceptance of the project by SNWA.
- Applications will be accepted or rejected in writing. Letters of approval may specify additional terms and requirements, which will become part of this agreement.
- SNWA reserves the right to limit or reject applications subject to availability of funds.
- Each property or project is limited to $100,000 in approved payments per SNWA fiscal year (July 1 - June 30). This limit is aggregate for all program tracks. Each project or property is limited to $500,000 in approved payments per SNWA fiscal year (July 1 - June 30) for consumptive water use savings with the exception of cool-to-warm season turf conversions and evaporative cooling conversions which are reviewed on a case- by-case basis and have no defined annual limit.
- This agreement expires in one calendar year. The term begins the day after the applicant’s receipt of the letter of acceptance and ends at 5 p.m. on the first business day after one calendar year have elapsed. The applicant must notify SNWA of completion prior to expiration of the agreement.
- Upon project completion, SNWA will conduct a final inspection to verify compliance with the program conditions. If the property fails inspection, the applicant will be allowed 60 days or the remainder of the one-year period, whichever is greater, to fully comply with the program conditions.
- Equipment or fixtures that are replaced through the program, for which the rebate has been paid, cannot be reinstalled within the SNWA service area.
Other responsibilities of the applicant
- SNWA enforces only the conditions of this agreement. The applicant is responsible for complying with all laws, policies, codes and covenants that may apply. Rebates may be considered taxable income; therefore, the customer must provide a current W-9 form prior to receiving the rebate.
- The customer is responsible for submitting calculated water savings information in electronic format.
- The customer is responsible for any on-site water sampling needed to verify calculations.