Water Smart Landscapes Rebate program conditions
Residential customers
Pre-conversion eligibility
Authorization to proceed requiredDo not remove the existing lawn until the Authority completes a pre-conversion inspection and authorizes you to proceed.
Customer eligibilityAreas to be converted must use water from an Authority water agency or groundwater well within the Las Vegas Valley Groundwater Basin. Applicant’s water and/or groundwater account(s) must be in
Qualifying areasConversion areas must be a living, or permanently-installed outdoor water surface which was compliant with applicable laws at the time of installation. Areas previously deemed ineligible by the Authority will not be reconsidered.
Minimum project sizeof lawn and/or water surface must be converted. At the Authority’s discretion, smaller projects may be accepted if less than 400 square feet of lawn and/or water surface exist in the project area.
Requirements for the converted area
Converted areas must have at least 50 percent living plant cover at maturity (using the Authority's plant list). At the Authority's discretion and upon request of an applicant, the Authority may consider plant coverage for the entire landscaped area of the front or backyard where the conversion occurred, and all areas evaluated at the final inspection must meet requirements of the sections below on efficient irrigation and surface treatments.
Watering systems (if used) must be drip irrigation with a filter, pressure regulator, and emitters rated at 20 gallons per hour or less. Systems must be free of malfunctions and leaks. Required components must be visible for inspection. If part of a lawn is converted, remaining sprinklers must not spray the converted area or create runoff.
The conversion area must be uniformly permeable to air and water and covered by mulch, such as rock, bark, ungrouted pavers, permeable artificial turf, and/or living groundcovers (with 100 percent plant cover). Plastic, concrete, and other impermeable materials are not allowed.
Terms of rebate
CancellationYou may cancel this agreement at any time prior to accepting the Authority’s payment.
The conversion and request for Authority inspection must be completed within 12 months of your pre- conversion inspection. Corrective actions, if required, must be completed within (i) 60 days of notice or (ii) the remainder of the 12-month period, whichever is greater. Applicant must submit the executed Conservation Easement within 18 months of this Agreement's execution. Failure to meet deadlines will result in forfeiture of the rebate.
Single family residential (SFR) properties will be paid $3 per square foot for the first 10,000 square feet of Functional Turf conversion, as defined by the Authority, and $1.50 per square feet thereafter on a per-property, per-fiscal year (July 1-June 30) basis. Customers of the Las Vegas Valley Water District submitting an SFR application on or after Jan 1, 2025, are eligible to receive an additional $2 per square foot for Functional Turf conversions. Groundwater Management Program rebates are limited to 2,500 square feet per fiscal year.
Rebate is subject to the property owner’s grant of a conservation easement that restricts certain uses of the conversion project areas in perpetuity. Transfer of property prior to recording of the conservation easement will forfeit the rebate. A sample easement is available upon request.
PaymentChecks are issued to property owners or their appointed agent within 30 days of recording the easement.
Authority discretionNotwithstanding satisfaction of eligibility conditions, the Authority retains discretion to reject or delay Application approval and may withhold payment if the Authority determines conversion requirements have not been met.
You authorize the Authority to communicate with you about Authority programs or research projects.
Acknowledgement & agreement
You, the Applicant, hereby acknowledge, understand and agree:
- To maintain responsibility for the quality and appearance of the conversion;
- to comply with applicable statutes, regulations, codes, ordinances, and covenants pertaining to the project, the failure of which may result in rebate forfeiture, or postponement or rejection of this Application;
- to accept any tax liability related to payments received under this Agreement;
- to abide and be bound by the terms stated in this Application and Agreement and in the Conservation Easement, if applicable, and that the terms of those documents may be invoked by the Authority;
- that upon the Authority's determination that you fulfilled the requirements of this Application and Agreement, payment will be made by the Authority to you as consideration;
- that assignment or transfer of your interest in this agreement without the Authority’s prior written approval shall be void;
- this Agreement may not be modified except by written instrument executed by both Parties or their designees;
- that if any term of this Agreement is unenforceable or invalid, such term shall be excluded to that extent; the Agreement shall otherwise remain enforceable; and the invalid or unenforceable term shall be deemed replaced by a valid and enforceable term that most closely states the invalid or unenforceable term’s intent. If this Paragraph’s application materially and adversely affects a Party, by altering the contemplated economic substance, that Party shall be entitled to compensation for the impact.
- Nevada law shall govern interpretation of this Agreement, without reference to its choice of law provisions and that the exclusive venue for any dispute arising from the terms of this Agreement shall be Clark County, Nevada;
- this Agreement does not create any right in or benefit to parties other than the Authority and the Applicant and does not create any third-party beneficiary rights or causes of action; the failure of either Party to enforce a provision of the Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of such provisions or of the rights of such Party to enforce each and every such provision; and,
- this Agreement contains the Parties’ entire understanding of the contemplated transactions, notwithstanding any previous negotiations or agreements, oral or written, between the Parties concerning all or any part of the subject matter hereof. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations, and statements, oral or written, regarding this Agreement's subject matter are merged in this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect.
Customer in good standing
The funding for this program is derived from water ratepayers and Groundwater Management Program fees. Only properties that contribute to the funding are eligible to benefit.
Maintained lawn
This program is intended to reduce current water demand on existing properties. Converting to water smart landscaping can cut water use by 50 to 80 percent.
400 square-foot rule
Larger projects are more cost-effective for the Water Authority to process and also generate the greatest water savings. It is not cost effective for the Water Authority to process small projects where the property owner has reasonable opportunity to do a larger conversion. Special consideration is afforded smaller properties that cannot physically meet the 400 square-foot requirement, provided they are willing to replace all of the turf, in either the front or backyard – where the conversion occurs.
Living plants
Plants are vital to the quality of life and environment in urban areas. Living plants are not only attractive, they clean our air, prevent soil erosion, provide cooling shade and create wildlife habitat. The program preserves or enhances urban quality of life while substantially reducing water use. You can find a list of plants and expected plant coverage on the Water Smart Landscapes rebate page.
Efficient irrigation
Spray, or sprinkler, watering is the least efficient way to water plants because the spray is subjected to wind, heat and obstructions. The best way to water plants is with a properly-designed drip watering system. If you are keeping part of your lawn, be sure not to let an improper modification of the sprinkler system eat up your potential water savings.
Surface treatments
Covering the soil with a mulch protects the surface from wind and heat, reducing evaporation by about 50 percent. Mulch also suppresses weeds, prevents erosion and improves the appearance of your project. You may use permeable artificial turf, rock, bark, or similar products. To be healthy, plant roots and soil need to have air exchange at the surface. Impermeable materials such as plastic or concrete will increase runoff and harm plant health. If your project includes elements such as a concrete patio, that area will be excluded, but the surrounding areas may still qualify.
Important deadlines
The 12-month timeframe allows SNWA to manage our outstanding financial commitments. Most applicants complete their project within 60 days. Very large projects that may exceed 12 months should be done in multiple phases to obtain the rebate. If your project is running over schedule, please contact SNWA.
Rebate amounts and limits
Since larger projects typically become more cost-effective on a per square foot basis, the Water Authority pays a smaller incentive for very large projects. Funding for well users comes from a separate groundwater management fund. Rebates to well users are subject to availability of these special funds and are limited to 2,500 square feet per calendar year.
Protecting and sustaining the conversion
Rebate issuance is subject to owner's acceptance of a restrictive covenant and grant of conservation easement that requires the conversion to be sustained in perpetuity.
The applicant understands that the SNWA is authorized to utilize his/her contact information for communication related to program participation, conduct research related to SNWA programs, and/or convey information about other SNWA programs.