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Hand turning dial on irrigation clock

Change your irrigation clock

Nearly all the water we use indoors in Southern Nevada is recycled. However, water used outside evaporates and cannot be recycled. Water used outside is sometimes referred to as "consumptive use," because it is "consumed" rather than recycled.

Approximately 60 percent of Southern Nevada's water is used outdoors. This means it doesn't earn return-flow credits and is counted against our Colorado River water allowance. For this reason, our conservation rebates and programs focus on reducing water use outdoors.

Seasonal watering restrictions

Assigned watering groups are mandatory for all municipal water customers. Running your sprinkler irrigation system outside your assigned days is water waste and may result in a water-waste fee or citation. Find your watering group on our website or check your monthly water bill for your assigned group. Sunday watering is prohibited.

From May 1 through Aug. 31, watering restrictions prohibit landscape irrigation between the hours of 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sprinkler watering on Sunday is prohibited. Find watering tips.

Mandatory watering restrictions limit landscape irrigation to three assigned days per week from Sept. 1 through Oct. 31. Sprinkler watering on Sunday is prohibited. Find watering tips.

Mandatory watering restrictions limit landscape irrigation to one assigned day per week from Nov. 1 through Feb. 28. Sprinkler watering on Sunday is prohibited. Find watering tips.

Mandatory watering restrictions limit landscape irrigation to three assigned days per week from March 1 through April 30. Sprinkler watering on Sunday is prohibited. Find watering tips.

How to water plants with drip irrigation

Drip irrigation is the perfect match for your plants, but running drip too many days a week is the biggest mistake most homeowners make.

Get Drip Tips

How to water grass with sprinklers

Our parched soil makes it tough for water to soak in deeply. That's why we suggest watering for 12 minutes total, over three short cycles.

Get Sprinkler Tips

Get smart about landscape watering

Take the guesswork out of changing your sprinkler clock and control your watering schedule from the palm of your hand.

Get a Smart Controller

Watering group maps

Las Vegas

A map depicting the different assigned watering groups based on location in Las Vegas

Boulder City

A map depicting assigned watering groups in Boulder City based on home location


A map of Henderson depicting assigned watering groups based on location

North Las Vegas

A map of North Las Vegas depicting assigned watering groups based on location

Cutting back on "useless" grass

Water is a limited resource in our desert community, making conservation a priority for everyone who lives here. Because of this, the Nevada Legislature enacted a law prohibiting the use of Colorado River water to irrigate nonfunctional grass at commercial, multi-family, government and other properties beginning in 2027.

It does not apply to grass in homeowners' yards, cemeteries, or to grass used for recreation at schools and parks.

Other ways to save water

Want to learn how to save more water in and around your home? Fill out our interest form for more information about our conservation programs or apply for one of the rebates below.

It can be difficult to know where you're using the most water. Are you using the correct amount on your landscape? Could you have a leak? Attend a free class to learn how to perform a home water audit or request a free indoor water audit kit.


Exceptions to current watering restrictions include hand-watering, supervised sprinkler system testing and watering new or reseeded landscapes.

Water agencies have special requirements to obtain the exemption and must be contacted to receive such exemption. 

Contact your water utility for details.

Landscape tips

Want to learn how to save more water in your landscape?

Check out our landscape and irrigation tips.

Setting your irrigation controller

Optimize your irrigation system and ensure compliance with mandatory seasonal watering restrictions by getting to know your irrigation controller.

Know your programs

You should have an irrigation controller that has a program A, B and C. Use these programs correctly to save water and money.

Program A — Sprinkler irrigation

For each assigned day of watering, water your lawn 3 times, 4 minutes each watering. Schedule start times at least one hour apart. Learn more about the 12-minute method of landscape irrigation.

Program B — High-water-use plants on a drip system

Drip irrigation is usually needed less frequently than sprinkler irrigation. How much you water on your designated drip day(s) depends on the type of drip emitter you use, the types of plants you are watering and the condition of the soil.

Program C — Water-efficient plants on a drip system

If your plants appear stressed, check the soil moisture. If the soil is wet, your plants may be over watered. If the soil is dry, check that all emitters are working. Flush the drip irrigation lines and filters every time you change your irrigation schedule.

Set your controller

You should change your irrigation controller settings each season, both to comply with mandatory seasonal watering restrictions and for the health of your landscape.

How to set sprinklers (Program A):

  1. Watering days - Find your "watering days" function and adjust it to ensure it is watering only on your assigned day(s) each season.
  2. Start times - Find your "start times" function and adjust it so you run three sprinkler watering cycles, each about an hour apart. In warm weather, run cycles before sunrise.
  3. Run time - Find your "run time" function and set it to four minutes per cycle.

How to set drip irrigation (Program B):

  1. Watering days - Find your "watering days" function and adjust it to ensure it is watering only on your assigned day(s) for each season and no more than three days a week in the summer.
  2. Start times - Find your "start times" function and adjust it so you run just one cycle in the early morning.
  3. Run time - Find your "run time" function and set it to a single run time of 30 to 90 minutes.

You also can access many irrigation controller manuals online.