To identify and authorize capital endeavors, the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) created the Major Construction and Capital Plan (MCCP). The MCCP includes 52 projects totaling and estimated $2.55 billion. However, 25 projects are deferred to reduce cash flow requirements consistent with current economic conditions.
Funding for the MCCP includes the Regional Connection Charge, Regional Commodity Charge, Regional Reliability Surcharge, sales tax, Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act funds, Regional Infrastructure Charge, and SNWA bond proceeds.
Projects, acquisitions, and initiatives
Water resources
- $254.5 million total project cost
- Virgin and Muddy rivers water resources acquired
- Established funding for interim Colorado River supplies, including Colorado River system conservation projects and interstate water banking.
- Funded the completion of the Brock Reservoir, obtaining rights to 400,000 acre-feet of additional Colorado River water.
- Secured funding for the acquisition and development of water resources, including the Colorado River, Nevada groundwater, the Muddy and Virgin rivers, as well as brackish and ocean desalination facilities.
- Hydrologic studies, well drilling, facility planning and design, and environmental analysis for development of groundwater resources in Clark, Lincoln, and White Pine counties.
Power supplies and energy resources
- $9.8 million total project cost.
- Planned, designed, and permitted electric power transmission facilities to deliver power to water pumps, etc.
- Reconditioned or replaced transformers and components at existing pumping stations.
- Although currently deferred, an energy recovery facility (Arrow Canyon Energy Recovery Hydroturbine) will be constructed on the Coyote Spring Valley to Moapa Valley Transmission Pipeline along with electrical transmission conductors to convey the energy to the power grid.
General system improvements
- $84 million total project cost.
- Upgrades and improvements at the Alfred Merritt Smith Water Treatment Facility.
- Relined the forebay of Pumping Station 6.
- Pump repairs and control system improvements.
- Foundation repairs to the Sloan Pumping Station.
Third drinking water intake
- $1.35 billion total project cost.
- Constructed a third intake shaft.
- Built three miles of 20-foot diameter tunnel under Lake Mead from the intake shaft to a new access shaft near the Alfred Merritt Smith Water Treatment Facility.
- Completed chemical feed systems required to control quagga mussels in the water intake systems.

Treatment system improvements
A major component of the improvements to the water treatment system was the addition of ozonation disinfection.
Ozonation is a water treatment process that destroys bacteria and other microorganisms through an infusion of ozone, a gas produced by subjecting oxygen molecules to high electrical voltages. Both the Alfred Merritt Smith and River Mountains water treatment facilities began using ozonation to treat our water supply in 2003.

Intake system improvements
Drawing water in through the intake system is the first process of the water treatment and transmission system. The Major Construction and Capital Plan's intake system projects included Lake Mead Intake No. 2, Lake Mead Intake No. 3, raw water pumping station, River Mountains aqueduct, low lift pumping station, and the low lake level pumping station.